Limão Tea Towel


Designed to bring colour to any kitchen, this Limão (liˈmɐ̃w̃) tea towel illustrates the fruit and lettering of the Portuguese word for lemon.

48x68cm | Organic Leve Panama Natural (100% GOTS Cotton)

Printed in the UK.

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Designed to bring colour to any kitchen, this Limão (liˈmɐ̃w̃) tea towel illustrates the fruit and lettering of the Portuguese word for lemon.

48x68cm | Organic Leve Panama Natural (100% GOTS Cotton)

Printed in the UK.

Designed to bring colour to any kitchen, this Limão (liˈmɐ̃w̃) tea towel illustrates the fruit and lettering of the Portuguese word for lemon.

48x68cm | Organic Leve Panama Natural (100% GOTS Cotton)

Printed in the UK.

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